Skoda Italia invests in lead follow up to improve customer experience

Skoda Italia

Skoda Italia are the latest brand to roll out TrackBack’s lead follow-up measurement services across their entire dealer network. Fully integrated into their Salesforce lead distribution and management system, TrackBack will measure and report on lead follow-up activity without changing any of their existing processes. Measuring telephone and email follow-up by their dealers, of centrally […]

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Do leads return voicemails?

Do leads return voicemails

One of the questions we often get asked at TrackBack when talking to clients about tracking lead dealer follow-up by phone is, “If the customer misses the dealer’s call but then phones back, can that be tracked and recorded as contact being made?”. The answer now is that it can. TrackBack has introduced its unique Close the Loop product in order to do just that. And what we are discovering is that around 1 in 5 leads who miss a call from […]

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