Client Stories

Hyundai launches TrackBack reporting to its dealer network

Hyundai launches TrackBack

Hyundai Belgium launches TrackBack’s lead tracking and reporting system to its 96 dealers in Belgium and Luxembourg, following a successful pilot programme.

The TrackBack service integrates with the existing lead management system operated by Hyundai. It substitutes the customer’s original contact details with trackable details, which dealers can call from any telephone or mobile phone.

Once the dealer calls the customer, the TrackBack reporting is automatically updated with details of the contact. The captured information is used by Sales Managers to monitor the salesperson’s response for speed and quality, and by Hyundai to measure how well dealers are following up leads.

Matthijs Keersmaekers, Business Manager at Hyundai Belgium explained the decision to appoint TrackBack: “Online leads are an increasingly important part of our business, and we want to ensure our dealers are maximising the sales opportunities from these leads. TrackBack gives us the reporting that will objectively identify how well our dealers are doing. This will allow us to implement improvements and generate incremental sales opportunities.”

Gareth Thomas, Managing Director at TrackBack, commented, “Our experience with leading brands in the UK, Europe, and Asia is that TrackBack will deliver rapid improvements in the speed and quality of lead follow-up by dealers. This leads to a better all-round customer experience and increased sales opportunities for the dealer, with more and more senior marketing and CRM personnel viewing the service as indispensable. The data provided by TrackBack is incontrovertible. It is, therefore, the only way our clients can safely include lead follow-up performances in dealer incentive programmes”.