Client Stories

Skoda Italia invests in lead follow up to improve customer experience

Skoda Italia are the latest brand to roll out TrackBack’s lead follow-up measurement services across their entire dealer network. Fully integrated into their Salesforce lead distribution and management system, TrackBack will measure and report on lead follow-up activity without changing any of their existing processes. Measuring telephone and email follow-up by their dealers, of centrally generated leads, Skoda now have the data and information they need to work with their dealer network to increase sales opportunities and improve customer experiences.

Ian Perkins, Sales and Marketing Director at TrackBack has been working with the Skoda Italia team from concept stage to launch comments “It’s exciting to be working the Skoda Italia team to improve sales and customer experiences throughout their dealer network. We have integrated many times with Salesforce and already have other brand clients in Italy, so the on-boarding process was fast and straightforward”

We live and work in a competitive market where every lead needs to receive a personalised and prompt follow-up from the dealer. TrackBack integrates with existing lead management solutions with minimal effort. Brands using TrackBack immediately gain valuable insight into their current lead follow-up practices which they then use to become market leaders through improved dealer engagement in this important part of the sales process.