Client Stories

TrackBack Shows a Dramatic Improvement in Sales Lead Follow-up in Italy

We often quote the European research conducted my MMIT and Bearing Point into lead follow-up by Dealers, you may have seen it in our previous blogs.

We have known for a long time that TrackBack has a dramatic impact in the UK, but we were not certain how that would translate to Europe.

Since April this year we have been live with TrackBack for a client in Italy across all their brands, tracking over 30,000 leads per month. From the above research, Italy was likely to be the toughest of the main European markets, showing just a 19% average follow-up rate on test drive requests.

Last month their dealers followed-up a staggering 92% of the leads through TrackBack, almost all of them within a day of receipt! A truly dramatic increase. Once dealers know they are being monitored, and can share with their manufacturer how hard many of those leads might well have been to contact, suddenly customers are being called and hopefully persuaded to visit a showroom.

It all comes down to what you can objectively measure. As one of our clients is fond of saying, “If you can measure it, you can improve it”.

Written by Gareth Thomas