TrackBack Stories

Call Recording and Call Tracking Can Resolve Call Reluctance Challenges

Automotive management has recently published the results of a survey that was sent to over 5,000 franchised dealers across the UK.

The survey has highlighted what the industry believes to be the 5 key challenges for car dealerships this year:

  • Sourcing Stock
  • Finding Customers
  • Buyer Confidence
  • Cutting Costs and Squeezing Margins
  • Cash Flow

Unfortunately, none of the challenges highlighted are new to the industry, and dealers will need to manage their sales processes more efficiently to aid cash flow, cut costs and yet still find and attract customers to their business.

Calls2Account is already helping many dealerships in these areas.

Marketing budgets are often one of the top 3 expenses for a car dealership, using Calls2Account, dealers can accurately measure, re-align and reduce costs associated to their marketing activities.

The call tracking element of our service gives a full suite of critical business decision making information that is always up to date, allowing intelligent decisions to be made, and actions to be taken in an instant.

We recognise that finding customers is never easy. It is common knowledge that it costs more to attract a new customer than it does to keep a current one. That is why we believe that the interaction on the telephone between staff, customers and prospects is a key ingredient for success.

The call recording element of Calls2Account gives management teams a valuable tool to clearly understand how quickly and effectively their staff members build a relationship and working rapport with their customers. Most importantly it allows managers to understand the level of effort that is made by each staff member to turn a telephone call into test drive appointment or service booking.

A key aspect to finding customers this year will be telephone prospecting. Whilst this element of sales is critically important, very few sales people enjoy prospecting. This is usually due to a lack of skill and an incorrect approach, both of which result with the sales professional becoming unwilling, or paying lip service to prospecting activities. This creates Call Reluctance.

The outbound call recording and activity reporting service supplied through Calls2Account gives lines managers the tools to quickly identify where people are struggling with prospecting activity. This in turn allows them to coach their team to get the best from calls that they make, or quickly change the approach to one that works!

At Calls2Account, we record, analyse and measure calls into and out of many car dealerships, it is staggering how many opportunities are missed by both sales and service staff. This highlights that dealers do not always need to speculate to accumulate. Most can quite simply make sure that each and every call is dealt with appropriately and that every opportunity is taken to convert enquiries and prospect calls into an appointment.

So whilst we understand that the challenges facing dealers this year are going to be tough, we are confident that dealers using our services will reduce the barriers to success.

Please call us on 08444 701 701 for more details.