TrackBack Stories

Closing The Gap Between Tell And Sell

A few days ago I attended a conference and heard someone say “Technology Tells, Speech Sells”.

This made me stop and think.

Is it really true that in today’s technology lead society? And does it apply to all goods and services that we buy?

I buy a lot of music, books and groceries on–line, so for simple purchases technology both tells and sells. Then I started thinking about the purchase of more complex items such as cars.

It is true that the manufacturers and retailers use technology and the incredible power of the internet to “tell”.

Each manufacturer has complex and well thought out websites. They use this technology along with social media to engage us. Drawing us in by appealing to our emotions and making buyers feel that their product is “just what I want”.

Research shows that most people will visit the manufacturer’s website and some point in their buying process. Once on their website there are some engaging tools and lots of information available to help us.

However, when it comes to making the final purchasing decision, it needs human interaction to give reassurance to the buyer.

Looking at the automotive industry, car dealers are the manufacturer’s route to market. For over 20 years we have heard people saying that this route is broken and we will buy direct.

But in reality this has not happened.

Car Dealers and their staff still play a pivotal role in the sale of vehicles. Yes, some vehicle orders are placed online, but the majority still happen at the dealership.  Their local presence is reassuring when considering the purchase of such a complex item. Their staff are specialists, they are trained by the manufacturer and have the skills needed to sell us the products and services that they offer.

In the case of complex items such as cars, it is true that “Technology Tells, Speech Sells”.

However, one of the reasons that manufacturers have searched for alternative routes to market is that the reliance on dealer interaction does mean that there is a lack of control and transparency in the sales process.

The perception, for many manufacturers is that after putting so much effort, time and budget into generating leads for their dealers to follow-up, they are often let down as sales professionals simply do not put a great deal of effort into following up these important leads.

We also know that the perception of some sales professionals is that the leads provided by the manufacturer, and passed to them through the manufacturer lead management system are not very good.

That is why we invented TrackBack.

TrackBack integrates our International Telecommunications Technology with Manufacturers Lead Management Technology to track if and when leads are followed-up.

This offers both the manufacturer and the dealership management team transparency of this important activity, allowing them to focus on ensuring that the connection between technology telling and speech selling really happens.

Live in 30 countries around the world, and used by 17 brands, TrackBack is closing the gap between Tell and Sell.

Written by Sales & Marketing Director Ian Perkins