Technology Stories

Our Approach to Cyber Security

Like any growing business that relies on technology, at Calls2Account we take the security of our customers’ data very seriously.  We are also aware that the websites of small to medium sized enterprises are a primary target for cybercriminals to hack in order to establish covet means of conducting crime online.  We thought you might like to know how we manage these threats.

Calls2Account work with independent experts in privacy, data protection and cybersecurity to advise us on cybersecurity measures.  We have created and implemented set of cybersecurity policies, compliant with ISO27001. We conduct regular risk assessments of our business and its supporting technology and have implemented a formal business continuity plans to ensure that we can continue to provide service should we lose either of our office locations (temporarily or permanently) and to minimise disruption should any of our core information systems suffer unplanned loss of service.

We work with major blue chip clients, many of whom have a requirement to audit their suppliers against their security standards. We are happy to undergo client audits of data security. We also conduct our own annual cyber security health checks on the business and our information technology infrastructure.  Each such health check generates a formal report which we can make available to customers on request. We also be encourage all of our customers to identify appropriate points of contact within their own cybersecurity teams with whom we can share information on threats and attacks, and successful countermeasures, as and when such information becomes available.