TrackBack Stories

Streamline Dealer Lead Follow-Up with ReIgnite: Reconnect with Missed Opportunities

Streamlining the dealer lead follow-up process is important for any brand, but it’s not always easy to contact every potential customer on time. That’s where TrackBack CX Analysis solutions come in, designed to improve each part of your lead follow-up operations.

One such service is ReIgnite, a simple but powerful tool that helps you reconnect with leads that might have been missed.

How TrackBack ReIgnite Streamlines the Dealer Lead Follow-Up Process


Here’s how it works: if a lead hasn’t been contacted within a set period, ReIgnite automatically sends a friendly SMS, asking if they still want to be contacted about their original inquiry. This gives the customer a chance to confirm their interest. If they respond positively, ReIgnite creates an escalation lead and passes it to the nearest available sales team.


This quick and easy re-engagement gives your brand another opportunity to convert that lead into a sale. Plus, it helps ensure no lead is overlooked, even if initial follow-up attempts were delayed. By generating an escalation lead and assigning it directly to the nearest available dealership, ReIgnite ensures the customer gets a timely response from the right person.

Turning Missed Leads into Sales with Automated Re-Engagement


ReIgnite doesn’t just recover missed opportunities—it creates a smooth, customer-friendly experience that keeps potential buyers engaged. Adding ReIgnite to your lead follow-up strategy ensures no lead is forgotten, increasing your chances of making sales and improving overall efficiency.


Incorporating ReIgnite into your brand’s operations can make the difference between a lost lead and a successful sale. It’s an easy way to keep leads warm and provide your sales teams with the tools they need to close deals.

Get in touch to find out more about how ReIgnite and other TrackBack CX Analysis solutions can streamline dealer lead follow-up in your business.