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The Best Sales Executives Still Use The Telephone

In today's digital age, it seems like everything can be done online. From ordering groceries to booking vacations, technology has made our lives more convenient than ever before. 


But despite this trend, the top performing salespeople understand that the telephone remains one of the best lead follow-up tools. And here’s why:  


Real-Time Communication

Quickly addressing a customer's concerns and queries can make all the difference in a competitive market. 


Did you know? While we chat at 125-175 words per minute, our ears can listen at up to 450 words per minute. Meanwhile, the average typist clocks in at only 38-40 words per minute


Our data shows that telephone calls about electric vehicles are 3 times longer than calls about traditional vehicles. That makes the phone an even bigger time-saver in this context. Imagine having to type out all that information! 


Personal Connection 

A good telephone conversation is one of the best ways to create a personal connection with potential customers. Emails and online chats, while convenient, lack the personal touch of connecting with a human voice. 


According to a PWC survey, 78% of people would rather talk to a human, even as technology improves.  


Builds Rapport and Trust 

Trust is critical to every sales opportunity, and lead follow-up by telephone is a quick and easy way to convey sincerity and reliability. These key elements are hard to establish through written communication.


By following up sales leads by phone, salespeople can quickly build a rapport and understand what is important to their customers.   


Despite the continuing evolution in communication technologies, 86% of individuals think phone calls are excellent or very good for building relationships, as revealed by a Harvard Business Review survey.  


Silence, Pauses, and Tonality 

Phone calls allow for the use of silence, pauses, and tonality to convey meaning and build immediate connections. The rhythm of a conversation with these nonverbal cues is crucial in building trust and understanding. 


86% of what we understand in phone conversations comes from the tone of voice, while only 14% comes from the actual words spoken, according to a survey by ContactPoint.  


Quick lead follow-up through a phone call ensures that prospects are contacted promptly, giving dealers a competitive edge in securing the sale. While modern technology has provided various means of communication, the telephone still holds its ground in sales as being the most productive way to follow-up and engage with sales leads to maximise customer engagement.

Using the telephone does lead to happier customers through personalised customer experience and drive more sales for dealerships.