Technology Stories

TrackBack Dealer Alerts – for faster lead follow-up

Our goal at TrackBack is to improve lead follow-up.  One aspect of our service that has been designed to dramatically increase the speed of lead follow-up at the dealership is our dealer alert functionality.

The alert functionality sends an SMS and/or an email to the sales team when a new lead is available. We also send a further reminder if the lead is not followed up within a specified time. When the salesperson receives the alert, the message also contains a link allowing them to connect directly to the prospect in just one click.

TrackBack Alerts ensure that busy sales teams are given every opportunity to contact leads quickly and professionally and all contact activity is automatically reported directly back to their Lead Management or CRM solution.

The dealership have access to a simple tool that allows them to set-up and automatically distribute alerts to the appropriate team or sales person based on the lead type and a whisper service will provide details of the lead including the prospect’s name and requirements.

To find out how our Dealer Alerts functionality will increase customer engagement, showroom traffic and sales opportunities for your dealers, please get in touch.