The role of TrackBack, our call detection service used mainly in the car industry, is to deliver improved performance in lead management and follow-up.
On a quarterly basis we benchmark our customers in order to provide a view of their dealers’ performance against an industry average.
Our 2013 Quarter 2 results have just been published and the key TrackBack measures continue to show impressive ongoing improvement.
Our average only relates to TrackBack customers, so all our clients performances are likely to be significantly higher than non-TrackBack users.

Research shows that the average follow-up across all car manufacturer dealer networks in the UK in 2011 was 54%.
This latest data shows that TrackBack client dealers are not only significantly outperforming dealers for most other brands, but that they have consistently show significant improvement as they continue to use TrackBack to measure and benchmark their performance.

Fast follow-up is essential. We know that customers often enquire about more than one vehicle and dealers can achieve a real competitive advantage by contacting customers quickly.

One of our major customers is achieving well over 60% of leads followed-up within one hour.
By providing accurate data on lead follow-up and automating key processes, TrackBack helps improve dealer sales performance by ensuring that leads are contacted quickly and efficiently, giving dealers a competitive edge.
Of course, it is easy to claim good follow-up figures based on dealer feedback (self-certification of follow-up), but TrackBack is physically tracking the actual calls the dealers make, providing objective proof of dealer performance.
TrackBack provides the tools to accurately track dealer performance, offering real-time data on lead follow-up and helping manufacturers stay ahead of the competition. It also saves time and effort for the dealer since they no longer need to manually update their Lead Management System, since we do that automatically for them.
By streamlining lead follow-up and providing real-time insights, TrackBack empowers dealerships to maximise customer engagement, fostering stronger relationships and driving increased sales.