TrackBack Stories

TrackBack’s New Product Forum discusses future lead management challenges

On Wednesday 11 January, TrackBack hosted a New Product Forum at the Millennium Hotel in Mayfair. We were fortunate to assemble a number of key clients representing several of the world’s biggest automotive brands to discuss lead management challenges that OEMs and their dealers face. We also shared them with a range of ideas for TrackBack Platform products  which might offer possibilities to help resolve them.

As expected, the Forum produced a great deal of thought provoking discussion around optimising sales leads, improving customer satisfaction and gathering greater insight around all aspects of the sales process. The discussions were very wide ranging but the consensus focused on greater integration with existing systems as well as proactive tools to drive the sales process. This has enabled us to better prioritise our new product development strategy from which a number of pilots and proof of concepts will emerge over the months and years ahead.

We hope the participants all enjoyed this contemplation of the future of automotive lead management as much as we did. We are extremely grateful to all who attended and look forward to continuing to make a difference to the fortunes of our clients as a result.