TrackBack Stories

Why we exist and what we believe

The founder of calls2account and the inventor of TrackBack regularly attends TED conferences. It was after watching a TED Talk by Simon Sinek that set him thinking that we don’t talk enough about why the company exists. We only ever talk about what we offer and how it works. So here is a list of what we believe. Our success in selling TrackBack to so many great brands in so many countries is testament to the fact that we can’t be alone in holding these beliefs.

  • We believe in revealing what really happens between customers and businesses.
  • We believe that by revealing what happens, customers can receive better treatment and will be more likely to buy our clients’ products.
  • We believe that dealers who do their job should be recognised and be used to highlight other dealers who are not performing well.
  • We believe that every lead deserves a fast call – or an email if no phone number is available. It is unacceptable to ignore even the smallest business opportunity.
  • We believe that if sales staff know they are being watched, they perform better.
  • We believe it is better to analyse actual sales conversations than to draw conclusions from actors fooling actors in mystery shopping.
  • We believe that brands should always be represented by consistently high quality customer contact staff and that by revealing individual performances we can identify process issues and training opportunities.
  • We believe that marketing campaigns can only improve if the value of the opportunities they generate can be accurately measured.